The patient was working in local humanitarian associations within the psychological support groups f

1 Počet odpovědí:
The patient was working in local humanitarian associations within the psychological support groups for those displaced from the fighting, who were exposed to seeing corpses, blood, and sexual and physical violence, and this led to her suffering from psychological symptoms.
Anxiety, tension, bouts of hysteria, avoidance of situations and people related to these events, along with sudden flashbacks, nightmares, impulsive behavioral disorders, and disruption in social relationships.
She underwent medication and psychological treatment without achieving recovery
Good afternoon; thank you for your message. I understand that somebody, not you, is suffering from the stated symptoms and medication and psychological interventions are not working. First, did the psychiatrist state the diagnosis? The psychiatrist is the only one who can state the diagnosis; however, symptoms and what preceded sounds like post-traumatic, which can relate to PTSD; this, however, should be confirmed or declined by a psychiatrist. When this is clear, it is possible to discuss the treatment plan, combining Cognitive and Exposure therapy and Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR). In certain conditions, in cooperation with a psychiatrist, it is possible to complement hypnotherapy.
Kind regards, Jakub Tencl

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