question to Boris Ljubčenko I attended a visit with you at the end of December, you gave me some g
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question to Boris Ljubčenko
I attended a visit with you at the end of December, you gave me some great tips as I have scoliosis and swimming is good but now in the winter I do really struggle with getting cold and flu all the time. You suggested to use rino horn and instead putting it through my nose just breathe in the hot air from water mixed with salt and soda?
Thank you,
I attended a visit with you at the end of December, you gave me some great tips as I have scoliosis and swimming is good but now in the winter I do really struggle with getting cold and flu all the time. You suggested to use rino horn and instead putting it through my nose just breathe in the hot air from water mixed with salt and soda?
Thank you,
Dear Anna, may be, you made a mistake and sent your question to me instead of Mr. Ljubčenko. Here is many possibilities for cleaning the nose and Rhino horn is one of them. Inhalation of hot mineral water (Vincentka) could be perfect way. Best regards, Petra Krtickova
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Hello Anna, I am not sure, this is a question for me, but there are some pills aganst flu and if you can lie in bed for some days it can help. Salt is used for its antiseptic effect but only in mid-hot watter and without soda, I guess...
Hello Anna, I´m not Boris Ljubčenko, although we work in the same building in Skalka (Vital praha). I think the suggestion could be right for your illness. But instead of swimming you can practice special exercises for scoliosis. I could teach you some. I hope you will be healthy soon.
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