Mental health question. am looking for online therapy help [in English] for myself for anxiety, pani

1 Počet odpovědí:
Mental health question. am looking for online therapy help [in English] for myself for anxiety, panic attacks, sometimes depression, fear and dependency. I have had depression in the past but since the start of Covid, and more recently in the past 10 weeks since damaging my foot in a sporting accident, my feelings seem to have spiraled downhill. I recently came out of hospital for hypertension, shaking and a feeling of not being able to control my anxiety. All my physical tests and scans proved me to be healthy. But mentally/emotionally I sometimes feel out of control and this leads to my psychosomatic symptoms.

The doctors have prescribed me ADs and Neurol until the ADs kick-in and advised I seek professional psychological help. In addition to this medication I also take BP & cholesterol tablets. I'm not happy to be on so many tablets as I believe they can contribute unwanted side effects which can increase my problems. I have Czech health insurance.
Dr. Mr./Mrs.
In reply to your question, the period of the Covid pandemic and recurring lock-downs is a great challenge for most of us and it could be even more difficult for you given the severity of your symptoms. Essentially, there are two ways of financing a psychotherapy in the Czech healthcare system. Firstly, there are private practices where clients pay directly for these services. Secondly, there are the practices of clinical psychologists who have contracts with health insurance companies which indirectly pay the fee instead of a client. If you are looking for psychotherapy paid for through insurance, it is a good idea to look for service providers according to your specific insurance company. You can do so simply via an internet search ("psychotherapy online" and name of your insurance company), or you can contact your insurance company and its customer support. There, they could advise you with whom they have a contract and afterwards you can contact them with question about possibility of an online therapy sessions.
I wish you to be able to find a psychotherapist soon, with whom you will click personally and you will be able to find a way to solve your problems.
Andrea Kretíková

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