Luca Benetti, results SONO & XRAY right shoulder
Počet odpovědí:
Good afternoon Boris, I`m Luca, friend of Massimo. You visited me for the first time on 12.08 at 12.40pm since I have pain in my knee (after meniscus surgery)and In my right shoulder. For the shoulder I just had a SONO+X RAYS and these are the results: XRAYS:postaveni neni poruseno, kl.okraje hladke, skelet bez traumatickych a strukturalnich zmen SONO: M deltoideus ma normalni strukturu a echogenitu , okraj glenoidalni jamky je ostry, vyska chrupavky hlavice humeru je rovnomerna, bez nerovnosti, slacha dlouhe hlavy bicepsu je v bicipitalni zlabku, normalni struktury a echogrnity, dno zlabku je hladke, bez tekutiny.Normalni echogenita I echotextura a sirka slach m.sopraspinatus, infraspinatus , subscapularis a tere minor. Recessus posterior je bez tekutiny AC sklobeni jsou symetricka, bez patol.zmen. Naplnena SASD burza v delce 23m, sire 23m, plocha s hypoechoegennim obdsahem. Zaver: SASD burza se znamkami chronickeho zanetu. If I understood properly doctor told me to do some laser therapy in order to eliminate this burza. Do you agree with this? Do you provide this kind of therapy ? I`ll be on holiday from 22August to 9 September, if you think it`s necessary we could see each other in September, what do you think ? Many thanks in advance. Luca
Hello, Luca! Yes, first of all we will continue as the Doctor suggested. Also You can keep on doing my exercises. Best regards, Boris.
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