Hi there, I have a question regarding dental hygiene, could you please tell me what is included
Počet odpovědí:
Hi there,
I have a question regarding dental hygiene, could you please tell me what is included to the procedure and what is the price for it?
Thank you for answer in advance!
Best regards,
I have a question regarding dental hygiene, could you please tell me what is included to the procedure and what is the price for it?
Thank you for answer in advance!
Best regards,
Hello Kateryna,
Dental hygiene at our office includes:
- initial evaluation
- ultrasonic and manual tartar and plaque removal
- stain and pigmentation removal by air-flow ("sand blasting"
- measuring of interdental spaces and dentermine proper instruments for personal dental hygiene
- training of correct techniques for personal dental hygiene
The procedure costs 1500 Kč and usually takes up to 1 hour.
Dental hygiene at our office includes:
- initial evaluation
- ultrasonic and manual tartar and plaque removal
- stain and pigmentation removal by air-flow ("sand blasting"
- measuring of interdental spaces and dentermine proper instruments for personal dental hygiene
- training of correct techniques for personal dental hygiene
The procedure costs 1500 Kč and usually takes up to 1 hour.
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Naši lékaři a specialisté odpověděli na 1 dotazů týkajících se dentální hygiena
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