Back problems
Počet odpovědí:
I have serious problem with my back. I can't sit longer then 20 min without pain. I feel pressure 20 cm from my tailbone. The pain radiates to my tailbone, left buttock and left thigh. Pain is located on the left of the spine. What type of service should I enter in the booking?
I have serious problem with my back. I can't sit longer then 20 min without pain. I feel pressure 20 cm from my tailbone. The pain radiates to my tailbone, left buttock and left thigh. Pain is located on the left of the spine. What type of service should I enter in the booking?
Hello, you need clasic manual physiotherapy. In my calendar please book: ,,vstupní návštěva fyzioterapie 75 minut´´
If you have problems with urination or emptying (you do not go as often as usual) you should go to emergency immediately.
If you have problems with urination or emptying (you do not go as often as usual) you should go to emergency immediately.
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