MUDr. Miriam Mitošinková

Internista Více

6 názor



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6 názor pacienta

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Číslo ověřené
Umístění: jiné místo Jiný

While Dr. Mitosinkova may seem a bit cold on the first visit, I found her to be one of the most professional and best doctors that I have ever had. She is very knowledgeable and is able to explain in detail what she thinks your condition is, the treatment options and the effect of any medications she is prescribing. She also cares more about finding out what the problem is and solving it than many of the doctors that I have visited while living in the Czech Republic. She is proactive and actually performs real examinations unlike 90 percent of the general practitioners I've seen in the past. I highly recommend her.


MUDr. Mítošinková let me notice her nonchalant disinterest in my case from the very beginning of the visit at EUC Premium. When I started explaining the reason for the visit and the symptoms that worried me, the doctor abruptly interrupted me, asserting that she does not understand me and I need to slow down, just to interrupt me again few seconds later and claiming that "she does not have time". While undressing she brazenly demanded (quoting) "Hurry up!". The doctor was very unclear on the results of the fastest examination I had a displeasure to participate in. When trying to remember the number of Prague district I just moved into this week, she added that "it's Prague 3, but I should know that, not her".

I am certain I do not need to reiterate how unprofessional and disrespectful the behaviour of MUDr. Mítošinková was. The doctor was barely able to communicate with me and she seemed like she was in a hurry home. This is far from the "premium" service I expected from EUC Premium. It is also not a surprise for me to find out that my experience was not a coincidence, judging by the other opinions.

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Umístění: jiné místo

I see I had the exact same experience as the person below.

I arrived 5 min late and I almost had to beg her to forgive me. After I finish my visit I stayed outside her office for 10 min to see if she was so busy I had disturb her schedule. No one showed up in those 10 min.

Furthermore, she treated me very bad. I explained to her I was insured but I still did not have my card, only a letter from my insurance saying I was insured. She said that I was not insured, she didn't want to hear my explanation or read the letter. I needed to visit a physiotherapist and she said that since I do not have an insurance (which I have) I could only go to the ostheopath.

She was extremely rude. Did not look at me, treated me and talked in a very aggressive way. She is not polite either. She did not even say goodbye when I left.

She also works at EUC Premium. I do not know how can she work in a private medical center.

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Byla jsem u paní Mitošinkové pro vysvětlení vysledků krve. Krátce a rychle probrala položky z laboratoře jednu za druhou a konec. Byla velmi neochotná, když jsem se ptala na něco navíc nebo opakovaně. Komunikace se mnou byla neuctivá a plná emocí, jako kdyby byla paní internista něčim uražená. Upozornila jsem ji na to, ale toto situaci ještě více zrošilo. Vyhrožovala mi, že nemá smysl se na ni stěžovat, protože nás nikdo neslyšel a je to moje slovo proti její. Řikala, že už toho má dost, žě jí napadají i jiné pacienty a to každý den... a t.d. Zmínila, že nemá na mě čas, že jsem přišla o několik minut pozdě (sice v čekarně nikdo jiný nebyl). Rozhodně nedororučuji.

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Nejhorsi lekarka, kterou jsem kdy stretnul. Namyslena, nekompetentni, prekruca ocami, kdyz s Vami mluvi. Neumi s nicim poradit. Hlavne dela v sukromnej klinike a pristup je katasrofalni.

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Asi nejhorší zkušenost s lékařem v životě. Nepříjemná, myslím, že i zasedlá. Absolutně nevhodný a neadekvátní přístup. Konfliktní, pasivně agresivní. Tato zkušenost opakovaně. Nedala mi důležitou zprávu, čímž zkomplikovala celou řešenou situaci. Nekontaktovala se slibovaným výsledkem vyšetření. Špatně napsala výsledek vyšetření, bylo nutné znova obíhat jiné lékaře.

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