Mgr. Marie Zusková

Psychoterapeut Více

Číslo licence : ČAP: 69993757


My name is Marie and I am a registered counsellor and psychotherapist with over 5 years of experience working in mental health. I support individuals with depression, anxiety, relationship issues, low self-esteem and motivation, as well as trauma and eating issues.

Working with an individualistic and a holistic approach to psychological difficulties informed by my research-based background in psychology, I hope to offer you support in the difficult times you might be experiencing and find ways that will improve your life and reconnect you with yourself and others, while feeling listened to and most importantly - heard.

The person-centred approach that I practice is one of the most successful and popular therapeutic approaches. It centres itself around the belief that a person who is accepted unconditionally can begin to heal. With the support of the therapist the client has the opportunity to analyse the issues they come to therapy with, achieve the goals they have set for themselves and find solutions they are looking for. By working together it is possible for clients to explore aspects of their life that they choose to without any pressure from the therapist and use the space in a way they feel comfortable with and at their own pace.

So whatever the reason you are accessing my profile today, be that working on your goals, reducing your distress, or “just wanting to get better”, I hope to offer you support with kindness and understanding and empower you in your life, as well as create a space where you will feel safe to explore and understand your difficulties, emotions, thoughts and ultimately yourself. Currently, I do have availability and am therefore taking on new clients :)

I can adjust to your schedules flexibly as I also work outside of typical office hours (9-5) and even offer sessions on weekends, making timings more flexible for individuals in full-time employment. I work with clients online and can use various video/call platforms based on what is most comfortable/accessible to individuals.


Nomad Counselling
Italská 8, Praha 2, Praha

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Italská 8, Praha

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Nomad Counselling

Italská 8, Praha

Od 950 Kč

Nomad Counselling

Italská 8, Praha

Od 950 Kč

Nomad Counselling

Italská 8, Praha

Od 1 250 Kč

Nomad Counselling

Italská 8, Praha

Od 950 Kč

Nomad Counselling

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