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Obecné skóre
Skvělá komunikace, velmi vřelý přátelský zároveň profesionální přístup. Děkuji!
MUDr. Fara Mc Bride, GP, MBA, DBA
Dear Michaela, thx. for your kind words. This is also an opportunity for me to express the fact that you are an excellent communicative young lady, you were very clear and fast to indicate your medical needs to be managed. Your approach was and is very reasonable and perfect.
Dr. Fara in Gen. Speaking: we all should alw. remember the happiness and well-feeling, including the chance of having luck, health and wealth, can not be without an excellent, kind communication with respect to the people around us.
Dr. Fara Mc Bride, MD, GP, MBA, DBA
Gyn.-Obs. Shayna Rose
K panu doktorovi chodím již 6 rokem nikdy bych nezměnila. Pan doktor je opravdu doktor s velkým D. Velmi milý přístup komunikace na telefonu 24h. Pan doktor sám o sobě jako člověk je velmi velmi milá osobnost. Z vlastní zkušenosti si dovolím říct ze nikdy nebudu litovat ze jsem si našla takového lékaře. Pan doktor ma můj velmi obdiv a pro mě znamená opravdu hodně vždy perfektně vysvětlí a hlavně opravdu vždy s dobrou náladu nikdy se nestalo aby měl pan doktor špatnou náladu. Opravdu mohu jen a jen doporučit pro mě je to nejlepší lékař. Celkové vybavení ordinace čisto úsměv vše na 1! Pane doktore za vše vám mohu jen děkovat a ze zrovna vy jste můj gynekolog Gabriela.
MUDr. Fara Mc Bride, GP, MBA, DBA
Mila Gabi,
Nice alw. to hear about pt. satisfaction, it is in fact indicating your truly kindness and support for us. Your words made us more comfort to make better and significant difference in helping our pt. and clients through clinical practice, and knowledge.
Thank you for being here at our clinic with us for couple of years, and hope you alw. feeling that the clinic door is open for you at any time of difficulties. I gonna point out the fact that your understanding is a guiding approach for us to do still better for our dear pt. Your satisfactory support is and will be wonderful source of comfort and compassion to our work.
Dr. Fara In Gen. Speaking: being positive in life, navigates one to stay and gain life positivity as well, such as smile, kindness, frienship, and even opportunities!. Possibilities can be implemented when one gonna work on that, and one has the will of realization. One who is looking for inspiration, motivation, comfort, is on the track of wisdom and perfect journey to beautfiul life.Thus, let´s learn to support and stay positive for being a fantastic human.
Dr. Fara Mc Bride, MD, GP, MBA, DBA
Gyn.-Obs. Shayna Rose
Pan doktor je velmi empatický, lidský, profesionální a hlavně k němu chodím moc ráda! Vždy mi pomohl vyléčit vše, co jsem potřebovala a vše mi pokaždé řádně vysvětlil. Díky jeho milému přístupu jsem se ho nikdy nestyděla na cokoliv zeptat. Jeho ordinace je příjemná a v podstatě se tam cítím spíše jak ve wellness centru než v ordinaci. :)
Pan doktor dohlížel na obojí moje těhotenství. Díky skvělé vybavenosti jeho ordinace jsem miminka v bříšku vždy pěkně slyšela (tlukot srdce) a přehledně viděla. Během těhotenství pan doktor nic nepodcenil (naopak - na kontroly jsem chodila každé 3 týdny). Fara Mc Bride je mimo jiné velmi pozitivní a milý člověk, který neustále pracuje na svém seberozvoji a vzdělání. Kéž by takových lékařů bylo na světě více!
Moc děkuji za vaše služby!
MUDr. Fara Mc Bride, GP, MBA, DBA
Dear Katka, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to your message, we are very grateful for the compassion and happy face you alway have during your visit at our clinic. Your ability to make our work more effective and most medically understood. Patient like you is truly inspiring us, Thank you very much for your kindness.
And thanks for your support and for making a difference toward us to be better day by day. Happy Easter to you !
Dr. Fara, in Gen. Speaking: The compassion and gentle touch of soul, ability to provide patients both medical expertise and emotional support is our aim, and toward this goal we alw. put lots of energy, time, and our heart even when facing the most difficult medical situation, but we come with the best and reasonable solution.
K panu doktorovi chodíme více jak 10 let, ale bohužel pozorujeme, že úroveň rapidně klesla, ale ceny za to rostou. Kdysi jsme byli spokojeni, ale to se v posledních dvou letech změnilo. Poslední kapka byla péče v těhotenství.. Za péči v těhotenství si vezme XXXX Kč, což je téměř dvojnásobek částky, která je obvyklá (v Praze), a ani vám nespecifikuje, co přesně je v balíčku. Navíc pan doktor tvrdí, že dělá vše nejlépe, ale není to pravda. Pak zjistite, jak se to ma delat spravne. Napr. z prvotrimestralniho screeningu konkrétně ultrazvuku, ktery je extrémně dulezity, mám pouze jednu hodnotu. Kdyby byl udelan precizně, nemusela jsem podstupovat amniocentezu a vystavovat stresu sebe ani miminko. Jsem zklamaná a znechucená, že jde panu doktorovi poslední dobou především o peníze více než o pacientky samotné..
MUDr. Fara Mc Bride, GP, MBA, DBA
Dear madam A.M. again no name! swear....dont know to whom I am talking! nice to write your name.....nothing wrong, and nothing happens if we clearly being our side of who and what we are...so, pls. next time add your name if is possible. So, let us start with your points medically and economically:
1. Thanks for visiting us 10 yrs., and more thanks that already finished with us. There is a difference between Chodime a Jsem Chodila !! in Czech lang. So, you dont visit us, you can not visit a doctor when dislikely talking behind of him/her publicly and not come to knock the door, and say doctor I would like to talk to you, or ask you some questions! So, no way of what you saying yes jste chodila ale neni stejne že chodime in Czech lang. Better to use sentences correctly. At any rate, we are happy for you so as to find a better and qualified doctor, good for you.
2. Pt. satisfaction is our motto, and our criteria....if sth you feel as a change, it is not true. Nothing changed, Dr. Fara is the same, and clinic is the same, and of course better than before ! if you wana know more, then our mobile 24 hrs., Sono more 10-15 times during antenatal!! At any visit time, partner comes and see the baby via ultrasound.
3. Why you did not come to discuss face to face?! why just writing without proper med. information? and about details....just sth. as whole propaganda?! and you have the chance of unknown lady write almost what you want. One has to be fair not mislead and misguide esp. intentionally.
4. You can of course slap on my face as a lady! but you can not slap on my medical knowledge and quality, no way, and no place for that.
So, you can simply write, but nothing can impress on our great work. This being said ironically, and with firm belief, pls. no joke with medicine.
5. About preg. follow up, observation, taking care prenatally, of course, we are one of the best....no ques., as you say opposite things, so you have your belief and view, then stay with that, and be happy for it, and for what you think.
6. You could have my service with good cost/price, but you can not have it for free of charge! And of course, we are not cheap clinic....excellent work professionally needs an excellent reward back! As you saying pls. visit the cheap clinic, if they do better job for you. Moreover, dear lady A.M. all clinics price and cost are not the same, 1000 clinics in Czech Rep. and 1000 difference
price being offered. No-one does copy other.
7. Dear pt. are like my family, madam! I take care of them, as I take care of my family members. So, dont judge in that way....not nice to spoil pls. by any portal which you have as an handy device! And now precisely about the test and indication.
8. The I. trim. scr. done for you, as you saying....I dont know, cause I dont know who are you...., okay done. But what is again wrong? One has to understand the basic medicine, or to ask a professional one, if does not know. Then suggested clearly for Gentic cousuling and TT test, event. the prenascan non invasive test.
9. Dear lady A.M., the result comes from center e.g. Gennet which we usu. work with that one....so how you can judge about it? As you saying you went for AMC, so for what?! cause, your result was not good, and then you should be managed for sake of your baby. So what is wrong with that? You had TT test, you had the option of non-invasive test, you had gentic consultation. Just strange, you talking what was missing?! how you can write these stuff without knowledge to spoil other people. Just....
10. Again mistake expression! the AMC is not indicated by gynaecologist, properly and legally indicated by a Geneticist!! not by me! The I. trim scr. needed parameters alw. written on the request paper for test, if in-adequate, the test can not be done!! so how you can say that? how you could have abnormal result? so this come e.g. officially from Gennet. Again what is wrong? The test was abnormal due to your blood level of biochemical elements!! that was your blood dear pt., not doctor blood !!!
11. On the request of combined I. trim scr. /biochem, and ultrasound/, again your mistake. We dont write about stomach, about legs, about eyes, and so on on the request for I. trim. screening.... when is needed then we perform the minor markers, which you had completely. You had been referred to centre and they did for you AMC, for sake of your wonder baby.....so nothing was wrong. Be happy with your healthy, beautiful baby. And AMC decided by Genetic doctor and you, not by me!! why you blame me.....just pls. enough of destroying the others.
12. You are surprised with Mr. doctor!!! no, madam! dont be surprised...doc. Fara is the same like before 10 years, even better. My chracter, behaviour, passion, moral, positive mentality, smile and happy face can not be changed even with your negative comment. Sorry for it.....my med. knowledge is not touchable, it is day by day better than before! So sorry for you, not for our great work. We know what we do, with ironic based-knowledge.
13. You talking about money just..... Why you did not go for the Non-Invasive Prenatal Test, such as prenascan, harmonet, and .....So, decision made by you and your genetic doctor. And be happy and satisfy, all steps done for you and you have a healthy baby......you blaming for what? pls. think and review before writing.
Dr. Fara, In Gen. Speaking: Better not to judge people when sbd is blurring with the issues, nice to learn not blaming others sincerely work, lovely to have knowledge that strong people are more than imagination, keeping in mind that successful people not tremoring with bad words, excellent ones are getting pos. impression from the negative points! And in this world being fair and non-judgemental also is brilliant job. And not easy being in the world of rightful guys. Insulting simply easy, but being under process of qualifying not easy!! And know practice is sth else in comparison to some naive people just reading in the internet, and develop fix mentation of bad judgement, and mal writing and speaking!!
Dr. Fara Mc Bride, MD, GP, MBA, DBA
Gyn.-Obs. Shayna Rose
Nejsem naštvaná, jen zklamaná a smutná. Při návštěvě mě nenechal dokončit ani jednu větu a ani pořádně neposlouchal, s jakým problémem za ním jdu. Poznala jsem to díky zprávě - 60% z me anamnezy bylo napsano spatne, jako kdyby se preslechl, přitom měl k dispozici materiály svých kolegů, co mě ošetřovali v XXXX před ním. Vyšetření bylo odbyté hlavně v oblasti poskytování odpovědí na mé dotazy, důkladnosti,… trvalo 10 min z 30. Kultivační stěr při bolestech mi udělal pouze na naléhání a stylem, že do mě zasunul tyčinku jen na 2 cm na vterinu. Na bolesti mi předepsal oralni i lokalni antibiotika. Snažila jsem se mu říct, že jsem presne tyto ten rok brala už 4x, takže možná nejsou už úplně vhodná. Neslyšel mě. Mám vleklé zdravotní problémy, na ignoraci jsem zvykla. K doktorovi jsem šla zamerne s tím, že se mnou bude konecne nekdo jednat jako se sobě rovnou. Byla jsem nadsena z mistních recenzí. Bylo to akorat ponižující. Muj problem vyresilo az akutni osetreni v nemocnici druhy den.
MUDr. Fara Mc Bride, GP, MBA, DBA
Miss. Z.Ź, the media is not place just to write about others, as well as getting to organization which does not have any practical info. how and what was going , complaining unilat., blaming people easy job to do. You even did not write your name, and God knows I dont know who are you and who wrote this things. Next time, add your name to the media not just Z.Z, what is this? One has to be brave, when expressing, not be hidden when loudly and socially talking.
Who you are, and to whom I am talking, just an anonym lady! behind the door, and curtain, covered by Z.Ź. All you said, with your misconception, and misunderstanding of medicine, is somehow ironically wrong, no doubt about it. Here are the reasons:
1. All dear doctors are not the same, I am a bit quick, what is the
problem?! your itching, pain, ....it is 2 min. to listen not 20 min,!!
You wana me listen your repeated words almost 10-20 min., no way!
We as medical doctors control the time, and assign the period of your staying properly, not you. You can not prolong duration of the visit according to your wish, that doesnt fit to my discipline. Work done, and then goodbye!
2. You talking about medical history....strange again! Med.
history is once at the same gyn. organization!!! No gyn. at the same
polyclinic asking for med. history when already asked by some his/her colleagues, and it is in the pt. file!!.....it is not like what you saying, .....once enough and is already recorded. No need for 3 gyn. which you already visited, to ask you again the same ques. regarding the history! it does not work professionally. So, I did not ask about your medical/anamnesis?, again mistake ! It was there, in the system by your own doctor! But asked for your actual gyn. problem, this is sth else dear madam.
3. All done properly on time, it is a clinic, not a movie theatre, you
wana sit 30 min., no way! for what ?! during this 30 min. many thing from our side, as well as my nurse should be done, is not place for your just sitting and complaining repeatedly. At any rate the exam. can be performed in 5, 10, 20, 30, and so on. I will make a decision not you about your time of consultation.
God knows about your time 10 mins, which you mentioning. If so it was well-done , either in 10 or 30 mins., performed excellent, and say pls. thanks to lord, not to me. Just reminder, for rest of the time when you leave the office, we have to do the the administration, and nurse should clean up and organize the exam. room.
You wana spending time for 30 min. for what?
4. As you said, diff. doctors, including your doctor by whom you have
already been visited, for couple of times, and permanently like a
follow-up pt. could not have treated you!! as you saying.... Thus, what is the problem with me, and my work. You are not my patient. How you can sending the words of blaming on my work? You just came in to me from other clinic, to be helped, and you got it in the best way. So, be fair, when producing words to express! You ve got your own dear doctor! So visit him or her!
5. From your side to say and to write incorrect issues, just
based on emotion, sensation, and feeling, pls. let wisdom rule on us. Sometimes one needs to think not only twice but ten times, before writing once! esp. about others.
6. Again so strange: how you know the cultivation swab was only 2 cm!! in your...?...how you can say it? and write? This is your sentences. How you measure it?
At any rate not easy to measure 2 or 10 cm for a pt. with internal part when professional doctor exam. So the diffentiate 2 and 10 cm with pt. on the chair of exam. and pt. saying that, again really unbelievable. Doctor knows it, pls.
7. And you talking about swab 1 sec.!!! no comment !! seconds! And
again pls. one second , and swab performance! But it came positive result!! it was either 10 second, less or more.
8. Such a great job....I did for you, I did the whole cultivation, and
according to the result, sensitivity, you received medication and antibiotic...so what is wrong?! you were given medicine according to the RESULT!! so thanks God, you did not have any thing else, rather than from cultivation analysis, and prescrip. given accordingly, so why complaining. Madam, therapy was advised by lab., for you.
9. With all issues explained...yes , exam. can be in 10 min., I am not
the type of slow motion man, so fast and so effective. Good for me and really good for like a 1000 of my happy and lovely patients.! at my own clinics.
But you have your own gyn., you were/are not my patient, you come in, and had the best service.....being quick doctor is not fault....dear
lady, world running fast.! and I am that type of guy. So get along with slow pace people not with me.
10. And you went in the hospital next day.... and the same day, and
hours you became treated !!! who can believe what you saying. So smart to say, and spoil others! The same day ! Just Lord knows ! All was okay, so they did at hospital some miracle process, me as a professional dont know this kind of miracles! words manipulation and presentation are easy, but pls. dont do that for me. Play with others, if you can , not such a game with my work and honesty.
11. Learing in life, to be honest, have sincere, be kind, be optimistic,
having sympathy, and empathy, and even not be jealous, as well as
well-educated, dear madam not easy !
Dr. Fara, in Gen. Speaking: Life is not alw. complaining about others, but first better to try complaining about our own selves, be hard on
our own selves, in order to improve, to have funny and lovely life. Then most likely one can gain lots, happily, and luckily. And at the end of the day.....poor my time here !! preaching whom!
Dr. Fara Mc Bride, MD, GP, DBA
Gyn.-Obs. Shayna Rose
Pana doktora znám více než 10 let a jsem velmi ráda, že mohu chodit na kontroly a svěřit se všemi problémy zrovna k němu.
Je to odborník ve svém oboru, který vždy kvalitně, srozumitelně, s klidem a empatií pomůže a vyřeší nastálé problémy a věnuje tomu vždy hodně času. Je ochoten vždy pomoci, můžete ho v naléhavých případech kontoktovat i přes mobil a nikdy nebudete odmítnuti, ale vždy budete objednány na nejbližší termín, který je vždy stanoven co nejdříve vzhledem dle sdělených problémů. Má profesionálně, čistě a kvalitně vybavenou ordinaci, ve které se cítite jako v domácím prostředí a to díky i své úžasné manželce, která vždy dovede k této atmosféře přispět svou přítomností a tvoří spolu skvělý tým. K panu doktorovi přešly postupně i obě mé dcery, které si též pana doktora nemohou vynachválit a jednu z nich zbavil v krátké době vážných problémů, které se dlouho vlekly a nebyly stále dlouhodobě odstraněny. Všem ženám mohu skvěle návštěvu pana doktora doporučit, neboť jistě nebudou v žádném případě litovat, ale budou spokojeny tak jako já s dcerami.
K panu doktorovi docházím už asi 10 let. Jeho přístup je citlivý, pracuje s Vámi opatrně a snaží se vždy vše vysvětlit. Určitě bych již nechtěla docházet k jinému gynekologovi.
U pana doktora Fary jsem již 9let a mohu vřele doporučit. Termín na vyšetření má vždy, když potřebuji a v čekárně nikdy nečekám.
K panu doktorovi chodím na pravidelne prohlídky přes 5 let a jsem velice spkojena a nemenila bych. Pan doktor je veliký profesionál na svém místě, vždy ochoten pomoci. Je s nim výborná komunikace, dokonce je k dostizeni na mobilním telefonu, kdyz zrovna neoperuje. Navíc je to velký sympatak a je s nim legrace. Navíc má ordinaci i v Praze, Návštěvu u nej určitě vřele doporučuji! Pokud má ještě kapacitu :-).
Mám skvělou zkušenost jako pacientka Dr. McBride během mého těhotenství. Je velmi profesionální a zároveň velmi milý. Jeho přístup je velmi uklidňující, odpovídá na všechny otázky, které jsem měla. Bylo to moje první těhotenství a ze spousty věcí jsem propadala panice, ale Dr. McBride se mnou měl trpělivost, dokonce mě o víkendu dělal na prohlídce, protože jsem se bála, že něco není v pořádku (vše bylo v pořádku). Skvělý lékař a člověk, moje nejvřelejší doporučení.
3 odpovědí poskytnutých lékařem na otázky pacientů na ZnamyLekar.cz
Dobrý den, chtěla jsem se zeptat, zda ještě přibíráte nové pacientky a hlavně, zda je vyšetření ultrazvukem součástí běžné preventivní prohlídky? Děkuji
Dobry den, omluvam za zpoždeni, dneska jsem dostal zpoždeni informace že čeka doatz!!! na odpvedu. proto vam pišu dneska. Pokud jenom otázka že přijmame nove pac, ANO. Mužete u nas registerov...Více
Dobrý den pane doktore, chci se zeptat, zda se zabyvate onemocněním PCOS (diagnostika, léčba, poradenství)? Mám pocit, že je toto onemocnění pro mnohé lékaře (gynekology a endokrinology) neznámé, nebo ho chtějí "léčit" jen hormonální antikoncepcí.
Dobry den, PCO synd je docela velmi zname patho. ov., i hormonal dysbalance. Ovšem, management of PCO synd. umíme! Určite pro vas je lepši konzul. s nami, nebo u gyn. kde jste registrovan. Jin...Více
Veškerý obsah publikovaný na portálu ZnamyLekar.cz zejména Otázky a odpovědi, má pouze informativní charakter. Internet nepředstavuje plnohodnotnou náhradu lékařské péče poskytované specialistou.